Building a strong EDA is key to building on the momentum of the last election. Kootenay-Columbia needs to know what the People’s Party is all about. In September 2021, a small ad hoc team from across the Kootenays attained signatures, got signs printed and up, set up website and social media presence, organized meet and greets – with only a few weeks with which to work. Imagine what we can do with more structure!

We would like to schedule an online meeting to discuss and assign roles on Sunday March 20 or Sunday March 27.

If you’d like to be involved,  please email office@kootenayppc.ca and let us know if one day or other is better. If neither is good, we’ll schedule a separate call.


It’s been such a pleasure meeting so many good people working for freedom in Kootenay-Columbia!  I have so enjoyed being a voice of freedom and common sense as the K-C PPC candidate.

As a solo parent with two young children, it’s been a juggle! The PPC is a critical voice for Canada, and I will stand as candidate as long as necessary. However, I would encourage anyone interested in candidacy – who has more time to dedicate and who is ready for battle – to step forward. ✨ 🇨🇦